Judy Ritter form NE Ohio just shared her February block. It is a little bigger then 12 inches. She’s planning to use her blocks for a wall hanging on a cold spot in the house.
Monday, February 28, 2022
Saturday, February 19, 2022
Butterflies coming in
Margaret Rolfe finished her first block for 2022. It is the 10th block in her Butterflies in the Dark journey.
“I tried to keep the embroidery to the colours of the butterflies” Margaret told me.
Saturday, February 5, 2022
Stitching group grows
Two more folks joined the 2022 - Diana Williams and Judy Ritter.
Diana plans to explore a Christmas theme
Judy is working on a sea theme - think blues and greens, sporting shells, mermaids and other characters
She plans to use the project as a photo album cover.
as her grandkids love looking at photos o dad..
“Grandkids love to view photos and make fun of mom and dad...me, too “
Oops I missed a member last time I posted - a long time member. Margreet de Reus of the Netherlands is stitching this year too. And she plans to stretch by not doing my usual wall hanging, she said. Here’s a glimpse of Margreet de Reus’ plan and first block before stitching.
I appreciate her sharing her how to plan as it gives me ideas for my own work.
You can still join us. See the tabs for the how to.